This is indeed a war against the Iranian regime and its terrorist proxies and Israel is doing what any healthy country would ...
AJ Reisman is a writer, blogging daily since 2019. He leads product management at a storytelling tech startup which uses AI ...
The election results may decide, in the hearts of many, the painful personal struggle over their future and that of their ...
Lesson 7: Focusing on the road ahead The seventh lesson is to look to the future while reflecting on the past year. I am ...
Had it not been for the OU’s silent complicity, Baruch Lanner would not have had access to the many hundreds of trusting ...
Michal Waller made aliya with her family in 1988 and is a resident of Efrat. She is a piano teacher and netball coach. Michal ...
A tech entrepreneur, marketer and author who trailblazed and launched the first influencer management platform in 2009 and ...
The Negev in those days was empty. Its biggest city, Beer Sheva was to the north of this small desert town that we chose to ...
Dear Fellow American Zionists, אל תסתכל בקנקן אלא במה שיש בו Do not look at the container but rather its contents (Pirkei ...
Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them ...
Ochila La E-l, I shall put my hope in God Each High Holiday season, we return to the same liturgy. Year after year, the same ...
After a year of “no words,” perhaps we need new words.