PRILLY, SWITZERLAND - EQS Newswire - 1 October 2024 - In less than a decade, SICPA has become the global market leader in turnkey fuel marking services, now providing fraud detection capability and ...
位於加勒比海的島國-海地(Haiti),近期深受幫派滋擾和政治危機等因素,導致當地居民無家可歸、面臨饑荒危機和高通膨。據 路透社 報導,估計有 540 萬海地人沒有東西吃,甚至一天或更長時間無食物可以果腹,其中有 6,000 人被糧食安全階段綜合分類 ...
The Global Plant stem cells market was valued at US$ 396.1 million in 2023 and is projected to attain a valuation of US$ 855.3 million by 2032 at a CAGR of 8.93% during the forecast period 2024-2032.
"WELL into the Future is our theme for CES 2025," said Mr. Kusumi. "The Panasonic Group's legacy of social contribution – ...
The world's leading computer brand, GIGABYTE, announces the launch of its X870E and X870 series motherboards, purpose-built ...
BitKan, the world's largest crypto brokerage exchange, is excited to announce the official listing of Binance COIN-M Futures on its trading platform. BitKan users now have access to both USDT-M and ...
經營台灣與全球再生能源市場逾15年,有成深知海島型氣候所需的模組條件,必須量身打造。例如抗颱防風與洩水閥設計,皆是旗下太陽能品牌WINAICO所擁有的獨家專利。 WINAICO品質可靠度總是超越市場既定標準,AQUA防鹽害雙玻系列認證通過TÜV萊茵的三倍加嚴濕熱測試 (共2,000小時)與8級鹽霧測試 ...
Global Apheresis Market was valued at US$ 3,248.3 million in 2023 and is projected to attain a valuation of US$ 6,882.1 million by 2032 at a CAGR of 8.7% during the forecast period 2024–2032. In ...
Essential Utilities is a collection of advanced applications designed to amplify the usability, functionality, and ...
公民監督國會聯盟(公督盟)為台灣唯一評比待觀察立委的民間團體,自成立以來,長期致力於推動國會改革和透明化,第十一屆國會首次面對藍綠白三黨不過半的政治局勢,執行長張宏林表示,經跨屆比較分析,在 9 月 22 日複審大會中,依初審小組的審查報告議決出 22 位優秀立委,優秀黨團幹部則從缺,至於待觀察立委,則為國民黨的陳雪生委員。
法國極右翼政黨國民聯盟(National Rally)長年領袖雷朋(Marine Le Pen),因疑似不當利用歐盟經費,於9月30日在法院受審,雷朋稱對於證明自己清白相當有信心。 據 路透社 報導,雷朋、國民聯盟本身與其他24名黨內官員、職員、前任議員與議員助理等被告,被指控將歐洲議會(European Parliament)用來補助議員的經費,拿來給付國民聯盟前身民族陣線(National ...
全國老屋數量龐大,亟待更新重建,內政部昨(26)日表示,截至今年8月底止,全國都更及危老案累計核准約5千件,其中申報開工近3千件;另為加速都市更新與危險建物重建,內政部推動《都市更新條例》第65條修正草案,盼儘速完成修法,讓全國8,216棟、約27萬 ...